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Features Your Homepage Should Have?

An effective website must include features your homepage should have, including the color scheme, font choice, layout, and white space. The homepage, however, which serves as the website’s foundation, must be flawless. To make it flawless, pay attention to the factors mentioned. Features Your Homepage Should Have Features Your Homepage Should Have Your homepage is the public face of your brand when it comes to the internet. A visitor gives you seven seconds to grab their interest before deciding they don’t like what they see and rapidly scrolling away. Create a positive first impression as soon as they visit your website. Over the years, we’ve developed hundreds of websites, and we continue to do user-experience research to learn how different audiences engage with home pages. Our study has pointed us toward a handful of essential components perfect for every website’s homepage and will significantly benefit your visitors and online objectives. The top feature must-have on the homepage
  • Intuitive design and user experiences
In actuality, only some internet visitors give your homepage any attention. Most of the time, they seek out other pages’ more in-depth solutions and information. Your homepage should captivate visitors and act as a portal to other parts of your website. This must include intuitive design and user experience, but these two depend on two other factors, let’s discuss these:
  • Fast loading:
A slow webpage can be frustrating for any user, so the webpage should be fast loading; this can increase the user experience.
  • Proper navigation:
Visitors should be able to explore your website with ease and locate the information they need. Users may find what they’re looking for fast with logical and clear menu selections and conspicuous search capability. So, your homepage design should be easy to understandable for users.
  • Headline
Your site should be able to convey who your company is and what it offers in a couple of seconds. A succinct, memorable headline should clearly state what you do, followed by a subheadline of two to three sentences that elaborates. People from various walks of life will view your website, so you need a title that appeals to a broad audience while being concise and straightforward. Your headline’s focused and succinct wording should make it clear to the reader what your company can accomplish for them. Keep it brief and straightforward, and eliminate all extraneous language. You should position your title to be easily seen towards the top of the webpage.
  • Clear CTA
Converting a visitor into a lead is the website’s new function. The site should have calls to action appropriate for the visitor’s decision-making stage because there is only one stop on this trip. Link to the most pertinent pages and material on your site for customers still in the research phase of their purchase. Help your visitors locate that form instead of hoping they do. Your audience should always be directed toward your top conversion point. Include a prominent button that serves as a focus point and invites visitors to follow this path on your homepage.
  • Logo
The logo should be one of the first things people see when they visit your homepage since it serves as your company’s visual brand. No matter how your website is designed, it has to have your logo prominently displayed so that visitors can see it immediately away and know they are in the proper place. The header area at the top of your page, usually in the upper left corner, is the standard position for a logo. Additionally, your logo should be catchy and includes these:
  • Simple
  • Relevant
  • Memorable
  • Encompass the brand vibe
  • Mobile friendliness
Although it focuses more on the entire site than just the homepage, this is still an important consideration.  Since the introduction of smartphones, it is estimated that 56% of all internet sales during the previous year were made using a mobile device. Users need a more attention span when using a non-mobile website. Thus, you will see a more significant bounce rate if it doesn’t work correctly on a mobile device.
  • FAQ’s
Regardless of how simple and well-organized your website is, people with inquiries will likely need to go through a few pages to get the appropriate information. That can be inconvenient for a visitor who only needs a fast response to a simple query. An FAQ on the homepage provides customers with a convenient location to obtain the information they want by accumulating answers to frequently asked questions on every subject linked to your business.
  • Contact details
It would be best if you were easily accessible to your audience at all times. A good lead or sale is frequently generated by encouraging visitors to ask questions about your goods or services. You should probably have a contact form or phone number on both your homepage and your “contact us” page, depending on the nature of your business.

Takeaway! Your website’s main page serves as each visitor’s initial introduction to your company. They’ll look at your site to acquire a brand concept before deciding whether to become a customer. Make a great first impression by including the features your homepage should have above in your site.

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