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Top 20 Small Business Ideas For 2024 UK

Top 20 Small Business Ideas For 2024 UK

Owning your own company may be quite fulfilling. But it might be challenging to know where to begin when there are so many fantastic company ideas available. To potentially offer you some ideas, we’ll go over the top 20 small business ideas for 2024 UK in-depth and talk about how to begin a successful small business in this post. 

Whether it’s collecting past due payments from clients, acquiring new business, or building your brand. You must determine whether the added flexibility and freedom it provides justifies the change.

So, in the UK, what is the ideal small business to launch? 20 of the best and most practical small business ideas for 2024 have been gathered by us. 

Top 20 Small Business Ideas For 2024 UK

  • Social Media Advisory

Social Media Advisory

In 2024, having an online presence will be essential for companies of all sizes. One of the simplest and best channels for small companies to advertise their goods and services is through social media. This is one of the top 20 small business ideas for 2024 UK.

Thus, you may position yourself as a social media marketer UK if you like using social media.  One way to get going is to sign up for a social media management service. In order to demonstrate your abilities, you need to create company profiles on the major platforms and enroll in a digital marketing school. These might be short online courses or accredited degrees that require many months to finish.
  • Ecommerce Enterprise

The term “ecommerce” refers to any business where products are bought. With a focus on internet sales, it is often cited as one of the best and most prosperous companies to start. 

Why? Because they offer you access to a consumer base that is geographically diversified, is simple to create, and does not require the administrative costs of a brick-and-mortar footprint. Now is a perfect moment to launch your ecommerce shop, with over two billion people already online. Create a strategy for your concept, consider how you will advertise it, and then work to make your company idea a successful venture. This is one of the top 20 small business ideas for 2024 UK.
  • Graphic design

The demand for graphic designer service in UK is always there. People’s business assets must be aesthetically pleasing, polished, and consistent with their brand as the world moves more and more online. Using contemporary software is also essential. The software you’re still using from the past may be incompatible with the platforms that your clients are currently utilising. To expand your skill set, it’s also a good idea to study many design programmes. For instance, a lot of designers have Adobe Photoshop knowledge. Yet, clients nowadays frequently want Illustrator-created visuals. You can stay competitive if you know how to use both. 
  • Podcasting


If you have something to say or a meaningful story to share, you should think about launching a podcast. Due to the widespread acceptance of podcasts by newspapers and other media outlets, private citizens have been able to capitalise on this trend and transform their pastime into a fully functional company. This is one of the top 20 small business ideas for 2024 UK.

Audio equipment and editing software will need to be purchased initially in order to start a podcast. After you launch your podcast, however, you may expand at a rate determined by your ability to write, record, and promote it. Moreover, podcasting is a completely virtual, at-home venture that you may undertake if you’re looking for Internet business ideas.
  • Offer vacation rentals

Consider using your second house, which is often unoccupied all year, for a holiday staycation. A lot of people in the UK have an abandoned second house. Why don’t you rent out that equipped house for vacation rentals? An occupancy rate of between twenty and twenty-four weeks per year is typical. It’s an income source even for the tax authorities, so why not turn it into a business? But there are other things to do between a departing visitor and a returning one. It involves doing laundry, cleaning the house, changing the bed linens and towels, and answering a guest’s reservation-related questions. This is one of the top 20 small business ideas for 2024 UK. Aside from that, things like website management, customer service, setting up simple check-in and check-out procedures, etc.    
  • PR agency

possess a strong network of connections in the media and industry, as well as experience in public relations. Think about going it alone and providing your services to other small companies. Your organisation may help businesses and entrepreneurs with their public image and presence through outreach, events, press releases, business marketing, and more. Businesses in that field will find your services much more appealing if you have a network of contacts there. Additionally, starting your own PR company doesn’t require a large initial cash outlay, and as it expands, you may hire staff or lease office space. This is one of the top 20 small business ideas for 2024 UK.
  • Business of Photography

One of our side projects was photography, which you may develop into a full-fledged company if you’re starting to get recognition for it online. Photos are always needed for events, publications, and wedding companies. If you wish to charge a premium fee, you will probably need to purchase a professional camera if you don’t already have pricey equipment. Photographers must also be skilled image editors. This is one of the top 20 small business ideas for 2024 UK. There are a tonne of tools available, just like for graphic designers. Although many photographers are proficient in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, it’s a good idea to master as many other programmes as you can, just in case a customer has a different taste. 
  • Auto Repair Company

start making money

While a simple toolkit may handle many little repairs, a trip to a full-service auto repair shop is necessary for certain major fixes. Vehicles are now averaging 12.1 years old, which indicates that more individuals are holding onto their automobiles rather than purchasing new ones and prefer to fix the ones they already have. If you’re an experienced mechanic, you may quickly start making money from your vehicle repair business with very little initial outlay. When you’re ready to grow, you may also profit from those larger repairs by starting your own car repair business. 
  • Pet maintenance

There’s arguably nothing more enjoyable for animal lovers than spending the day with their dogs. Getting the money together to start your own pet grooming business may take some time. As a result, start small by providing a mobile service and visit your clients’ houses with your grooming equipment and expertise. To add to your grooming company, you may also provide dog walking services. This is one of the top 20 small business ideas for 2024 UK.
  • A florist

Open a flower business and utilise your artistic talent to engage the community if you have a green thumb and an eye for arranging. Florists not only make exquisite bouquets but may also create expensive arrangements for weddings and other occasions and teach flower arranging in-person or virtually. 
  • Affiliate marketing

By employing affiliate marketing, you may receive payment from other businesses for promoting and selling their products. You receive a fee each time you bring in a new customer or order. Using your social media and internet platforms to promote things to your followers is the basis of this business concept. You may promote items on your website, blog, or social media accounts and earn a fee each time a user clicks through from your platform to the sponsoring company. Before you can begin to make money with affiliate marketing, you must have a respectable following or strong SEO ability. With regard to the latter, SEO is helpful as it allows you to reach your audience through search if you have an affiliate site but a weak social media presence. 
  • Dealer in antiques

Dealing with antiques might be your next business venture if you’re an expert on antiques or a history geek. But remember, this one is more difficult than the usual transaction. The industry requires a great deal of investigative work, patience, and fierce rivalry, despite the positive impression that the Antiques Roadshow may give of it. Although starting a business is undoubtedly difficult, you may position yourself for success if you have the appropriate marketing and negotiation abilities.
  • Gardener

If you don’t mind getting your hands filthy, this is a terrific side gig. People are constantly in need of help with leaf clearance, shrub pruning, and lawn mowing. When your self-assurance and skill level increase, you can expand to include landscaping services and equipment acquisition. Formal training is not necessary, however, basic plant knowledge would be helpful. The UK landscaping services industry is estimated to be valued over £5 billion by AMA Research, and it is expected to keep expanding as a result of rising demand for the upkeep of public and commercial outdoor areas. 
  • Create a Profitable Brand

The year of content creation is 2024. Starting a brand and growing a profitable business around it has never been simpler, especially in light of recent developments in artificial intelligence. So, the following brand-building suggestions can assist you in developing a following that may generate revenue for you:
  • As of right now, TikTok is the ideal platform for rapidly expanding your following. Just make sure it’s interesting and amusing stuff.
  • Launch a podcast that highlights your sector knowledge.
  • Create an Instagram account dedicated to local activities. 
It takes time, effort, and consistency to develop a following that can financially support you. Before they have a loyal following that will support them through memberships, apparel, and spin-off goods, the majority of content-driven companies take years to establish.
  • Virtual Assistant

A very easy startup for an extremely well-organized person. You may work as a virtual assistant for a wide range of small company clients that you’ll never have to meet, scheduling appointments, keeping track of diaries, making and taking phone calls, organising trips, and managing email and social media accounts. This administration can all be done online! You have the option to bill by the job, project, or by the hour.
  • English as a foreign language instruction

Since English is the worldwide language, there has always been a strong desire to study it. The best thing is that you can teach all of your classes online, saving you money on classroom supplies and travel expenses. To start, English should be your first language. You also need to finish an official TEFL course before you can start teaching students. While teaching English online, you should expect to make around £15 per hour; but, as your clientele grows and your reputation grows, you will be able to charge considerably more—up to £40 per hour.
  • Blogger

One of the easiest and least expensive business endeavours to begin is blogging, which is also a terrific opportunity to talk about subjects you are genuinely interested in. Choosing a topic that sparks attention is essential for success. In this way, you may become well-known and make money via affiliate marketing or sponsored content. You will need a website in addition to some knowledge of SEO and keyword research if you want to ensure that people see your pages, but you can pick up these skills on your own. In fact, a multitude of blogs exist about it!  
  • Software development

software consultancy

Technical skill sets are essential to software development. If you invest all of your development skills into creating proprietary software that can be sale to other businesses, you may have a very successful firm on your hands. The majority of organisations require technological solutions that they are unable to develop internally. Developing proprietary software enables you to sell the same product to a large audience without needing project-by-project development resources, boosting your gross profit even if you may alternatively work ad hoc building solutions via software consultancy.
  • Dropshipping

Through the use of dropshipping, you may engage suppliers to deliver items to your customers’ doorsteps on their behalf. There are no extra costs for renting a warehouse or letting a pile of boxes take over your living room. Since you have no duty to keep or maintain inventory, you should also carry supplies. Basically, all you need to do is develop your audience and market your company. However, dropshipping has certain disadvantages, the main one being handling returns and refunds. Selecting a dependable and trustworthy outside supplier might sometimes be the difference between a successful business and a financial disaster. However, it’s unquestionably among the simplest, fastest, and least expensive ventures to launch. 
  • Personal trainer at home

For clients who desire all the advantages of a gym but without the other bulky, sweaty individuals, a home personal trainer offers fitness training and coaching services. With the significance of leading a healthy lifestyle becoming more widely recognised, the fitness business in the UK, already valued at over £5 billion, is expected to rise even more. This is a great idea for someone who enjoys exercise already and has some equipment at home, as there are a lot of future trainees out there. 

Remember that funding a small business of your choosing with your own money alone won’t cut it. You also need the necessary abilities to ensure that it functions properly. Before starting any business, it is important to familiarise yourself with licensing processes and other requirements.

It is vital to demonstrate your company’s legality since this will help you get future loans and subsidies. It will also protect you from legal action. Establishing a modest firm and growing it step by step is the best approach. You may lower the risk by starting your firm on a modest scale. A business might be tiny or large. It is totally up to you how you launch and expand your company. To read such content follow us on LinkedIn.
Frequently Asked Questions

To succeed in the photography business in the UK, you need proficiency in photography techniques and equipment, as well as photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. Additionally, having strong communication and marketing skills will help you attract clients and grow your business.

To start an auto repair company in the UK, you need expertise in automotive repair and maintenance. Begin by offering basic repair services with minimal initial investment in tools and equipment. As your business grows, consider expanding your services and investing in a dedicated repair shop.

To start a pet maintenance business in the UK, consider offering mobile grooming services and dog walking to pet owners. Invest in grooming equipment and build a client base through word-of-mouth referrals and online marketing. Provide excellent service and care for pets to attract and retain customers.

To become a virtual assistant in the UK, develop strong organizational and communication skills. Offer services such as scheduling appointments, managing email and social media accounts, and handling administrative tasks for small business clients. Market your services online and build a reputation for reliability and professionalism.

To secure funding for your small business in the UK, consider various options such as bank loans, government grants, crowdfunding, or seeking investment from venture capitalists or angel investors. Prepare a comprehensive business plan and financial projections to demonstrate the potential return on investment to potential lenders or investors.

Some common pitfalls to avoid when starting a small business in the UK include underestimating startup costs, neglecting to conduct market research, failing to develop a solid business plan, and lacking a clear understanding of legal and regulatory requirements. Additionally, avoid overextending yourself financially and be prepared to adapt to changing market conditions.
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